Obtaining Headers from E-Mail
Please follow the step by step instructions below for obtaining E-Mail header information.
Outlook Express 4.x and up
- Open the message. Choose File from the pull-down menu bar.
- Select Properties. Another window will open showing two tabs.
- You will want to choose the selection titled Details.
- Copy and paste the header into a new message.
Netscape 4.x and up
- Choose View from the pull-down menu bar.
- Click on Headers and select All.
- Copy and paste the header into a new message.
Outlook 2000
- Open the message
- Choose View -> Options from the menu bar.
- Copy and paste the information in the Internet Headers section into a new message.
Eudora 3.x and up
- Open the message.
- Under the title bar are option buttons. One will say BlahBlahBlah.
- Click on that and all headers will be shown.
- Copy and paste the header into a new message.
- Click Options to the right of the Address Book tab. The Options page will appear.
- Under Additional Options, click the Mail Display Settings link. The Mail Display Settings page appears.
- Under Message Headers, select Full and click OK.
- Copy and paste the header into a new message.
MSN Explorer
- Open the message and then click More in the upper right corner.
- Click Message Source. The message opens in a new window with all the header information visible.
- Copy all the text and paste it into a new message.
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